'Yellowstone' Season 4 Episode 5 Recap: "Under a Blanket of Red" (2024)

'Yellowstone' Season 4 Episode 5 Recap: "Under a Blanket of Red" (1)

Paramount Network’s Yellowstone season four episode five opens to reveal the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch is a lonely place for John Dutton (Kevin Costner) now that Kayce’s moved out in order to make Monica happy. John wraps up his day and is changing into comfy clothes preparing for bed when Beth’s (Kelly Reilly) sudden appearance surprises him. Drink in hand, seated by his fireplace, and reading a book, Beth confesses to being worried about him spending the night all alone in the big house. She recalls she’s only been the home’s sole inhabitant once in her life and remembers the house’s shifting noises made her feel it was about to come free of its foundation.

Beth’s decided she’s spending the night so the house doesn’t walk away with him, but John lies and says he doesn’t mind an empty home. However, immediately after saying that he gives in and allows her to stay to keep him company. They discuss the book she’s reading – The Solace of Open Spaces by Gretel Ehrlich – and debate its truth.

John explains he’s surrendered to “the lonely” and seeing her in the family home makes his heart full. He hopes he survives her, and Beth replies, “Worry not, daddy. Only the good die young. If a meteor strikes Earth tonight, it is me and the co*ckroaches running this mother**ker tomorrow.”

John chuckles as he drifts off to sleep. (This scene’s a prime example of why viewers love Yellowstone and the Duttons.)

Elsewhere, Monica (Kelsey Asbille) and Kayce (Luke Grimes) seem more at peace now that she’s moved closer to the reservation. Monica admits she feels better in her soul and Kayce responds with a light kiss.

Tate (Brecken Merrill) emerges from a sweat lodge with Thomas Rainwater (Gil Birmingham) and others, and Monica quietly asks Thomas if he believes Tate’s okay. Thomas says Tate was forced to do what men normally do; he feels guilty but shouldn’t.

Thomas and Mo will continue to work with Tate, and Thomas is hopeful that before long the boy will change into understanding he’s a warrior.

Jamie (Wes Bentley) follows up on the info he received which indicated his biological father, Garrett Randle, might have been behind the hit on John, Beth, and Kayce. He speaks with Terrell Riggins’ lawyer about setting up an interview, revealing he’s going to offer Riggins immunity.

Kayce arrives at the Livingston field office of the Livestock Association and finds the entrance blocked by animal rights activists. One man attempts to grab Kayce and Kayce pulls out his gun, ordering everyone to the ground. Sheriff Haskell (Hugh Dillon) shows up with backup and he’s angry Kayce just gave these protestors exactly what they wanted. Haskell yells at Livestock Agent Steve Hendon (James Jordan) to put away his gun as protestors film the incident.

Meanwhile, Rip (Cole Hauser) is still angry at Lloyd (Forrie J. Smith) for fighting with Walker in the bunkhouse. He takes Lloyd’s usual horse away and instructs him to teach Carter (Finn Little) how to saddle a horse. Lloyd does as told and is impressed with how quickly Carter picks things up.

Kayce rings up his dad who grabs Ryan (Ian Bohen) and heads to the scene. Protestors are restrained in zip ties as he pulls up and John says, “Son, if I spent a week thinking of ways to f**k up my day I could not have come up with this.”

Sheriff Haskell confirms it was all done by the book after Kayce was assaulted. That said, the optics are horrible. John asks to speak with the ringleader, Summer Higgins (Piper Perabo), who it turns out has a lengthy rap sheet of arrests for protesting.

Summer explains they’re protesting the state-sponsored police force that protects industrialized animal farming and the mass murder of animals. John quickly points out that while planting quinoa or other vegetables, snakes, moles, frogs, mice, quails, etc. are killed. “I guess the only real question is how cute does an animal have to be before you care if it dies to feed you?” asks John.

Summer’s rendered speechless.

John and Kayce discuss how this particular protest doesn’t seem random. They believe this was a setup. John tells Sheriff Haskell he wants to press charges, but Haskell doesn’t think that’s a good idea because of the news coverage it will generate.

John believes facing five years in prison might change Summer’s mind about protesting.

Back at the ranch, Lloyd stands to the side, completely frustrated he’s not involved in the action inside the corral. As the other cowboys finish up and head off for a beer, Rip informs Lloyd the final three horses are his.

Lloyd’s had enough but, unfortunately, Rip’s not ready to let up. Lloyd says Walker had it coming and Rip confirms no one on the ranch wants Walker dead more than he does. However, John wants Walker to stay put so that’s what’s going to happen. Rip reminds him to always put the ranch first.

Night falls and everyone’s fixated on watching Shad Mayfield, Colby’s cousin, compete on TV while relaxing in the bunkhouse. Ryan and Colby debate their roping skills, with each exaggerating their talents.

Lloyd listens from his bunk and then quietly leaves the bunkhouse. He heads over to the barn and checks in on Carter. Walker’s also not interested in what’s going on in the bunkhouse, and instead is relaxing by a campfire. Laramie (Hassie Harrison) joins him and suggests she’s got plans for them that don’t involve getting any sleep.

Lloyd spots them getting intimate by the campfire and turns away in anger and jealousy.

Morning comes and when Beth turns down breakfast John asks what’s up. She explains she’s intermittent fasting – only coffee and cigarettes until noon. John wonders what she’s working on and Beth suggests it’s better if he doesn’t know the specifics. John presses and Beth reveals she’s going to take the job at Market Equities. She plans on running the company into the ground.

Beth heads out, declaring she’s off to ruin a life. (Such a classic Beth exit line.)

'Yellowstone' Season 4 Episode 5 Recap: "Under a Blanket of Red" (2)

John’s also about to change someone’s life, but hopefully for the better. Summer’s shocked to learn she’s made bail and even more surprised when she sees John Dutton outside the Park County Justice Center. He asks if she’ll accompany him to his ranch and admits he disagrees with what she’s doing but respects it.

After securing his promise not to kill her and dump her body in a forest – she’s leery since he’s a white male over 50, albeit a charming one – she hops in his truck. As they hit the road, they discuss climate change and the impact humans have had on our planet. John believes the problem is people have stopped living with the planet and instead live on it.

“There will come a time when Earth sheds us like dead skin, and it will be our own fault,” says John.

Jamie meets with Riggins (Bruno Amato) and his lawyer in prison, showing them paperwork that guarantees immunity no matter what Riggins says. Jamie promises to move him to protective custody and maybe even a medium-security facility if he talks. Riggins confirms he knows Garrett Randle and then Jamie asks the big question: did Garrett hire him to facilitate the murder attempts on the Dutton family? The scene ends before Riggins answers.

Beth does Dutton Ranch business while driving seven hours to deliver life-altering news to Bob Schwartz. She barges in, rushes past the receptionist, and takes a seat on Bob’s couch. She begins their short conversation declaring he’s in her seat. Bob (Michael Nouri) is confused and Beth reveals she took a job as the president of Market Equities’ Montana division and rather than taking a salary or stock, she accepted controlling shares in Schwartz & Meyer.

“You bet on the wrong horse,” says Beth. “You are fired.”

She also fires the nosey receptionist for good measure, announcing the company’s moving to Montana as she leaves a stunned workforce behind while making her exit.

Jamie returns to his newly purchased ranch and there’s a car he doesn’t expect in front of his house. He confronts Garrett but Garrett doesn’t get a chance to answer before Christina (his ex-girlfriend and campaign manager) puts in an appearance. She’s holding their baby boy and explains that now that Jamie’s left the Duttons behind, they can actually be a family.

Over in Texas, Jimmy (Jefferson White) – who’s not the sharpest tool in the shed – isn’t picking up much from the long-time cowboys on the 6666 Ranch. He wakes from a nap and barely pays attention as NCHA Rider Hall of Fame, NCHA Member Hall of Fame, AQHA Hall of Fame, and Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame member Buster Welch discusses his past adventures.

Jimmy notices men waiting outside and learns it’s time to get to work. Jimmy’s new boss says he hopes Jimmy was soaking up what he heard. He then explains there are three gods in Texas: the Almighty himself, Buster Welch, and George Strait. “You just met one of them,” says the boss.

Confused, Jimmy replies, “That’s not George Strait.”

“I hope the good Lord gave you a big d*ck, Jimmy, because he sure shorted you on brains,” responds the boss.

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'Yellowstone' Season 4 Episode 5 Recap: "Under a Blanket of Red" (2024)


'Yellowstone' Season 4 Episode 5 Recap: "Under a Blanket of Red"? ›

John and Kayce

Luke Grimes: Kayce Dutton.
https://www.imdb.com › title › characters
are forced to deal with some newcomers in town; Lloyd is in the doghouse with Rip, and finds purpose in teaching Carter; Jamie seeks information about his father.

Why did Jamie give immunity? ›

Jamie and the Three Generations of Yikes

Jamie interviews Riggins and agrees to give him immunity if he'll answer whether or not his father was behind the killings. Meanwhile, Jamie's father is back at Jamie's place, fielding a whole other generation of problems.

Who is the old cowboy in Yellowstone Season 4 episode 5? ›

Friendly Texan cowboy Ross (Barry Corbin) has a revealing conversation with Jimmy, explaining that ranching is “art without an audience until the day you die. And then after you're dead, you don't have an audience either.” And Jimmy later meets the real-life horse-training legend Buster Welch without realizing it.

What happens to Beth in Yellowstone Season 5 episode 4? ›

Whatever he says gets the job done because in the end, Beth is only charged with disorderly conduct, spends a night in jail and is free to leave. Of course, that's just the beginning of the drama as tensions between Beth and Jamie get turned up tenfold.

What did Beth spit out on Yellowstone? ›

Although it's Summer whose injuries concern John, as she is looking far more bruised and bloodied than Beth, when the two women are left alone, Beth spits out a tooth that Summer seemingly managed to dislodge during their brawl.

Does Rip find out what Jamie did to Beth? ›

Summary. Rip will eventually find out what Jamie did to Beth, causing him to be furious and potentially seek revenge. Beth's secret about her feud with Jamie could lead to a rift between Rip and John, as Rip may want to kill Jamie for causing Beth pain.

Why did Jamie shoot his biological father? ›

When Jamie finally killed his dad, it was an attempt to side with the Duttons and preserve his own standing. However, the murder turned him into a slave to Beth.

Who are the two old guys at the 6666 Ranch? ›

There, he met two well-experienced cowboys. One was Ross (Barry Corbin) and the other was Buster Welch. Related: Who Are the Old Cowboys at the 6666 Ranch?

Who is the cowboy that died in Yellowstone Season 5 Episode 6? ›

Emmett Walsh Died Peacefully In His Sleep In Yellowstone Season 5.

What happens to Lloyd on Yellowstone? ›

As of right now, Lloyd is alive and well and the fans are hoping that it will stay that way. However, the possibility of his death is even greater compared to that of the show's main cast, given his status as a recurring supporting character, which makes him quite expendable.

What episode does Beth take Jamie's son? ›

Yellowstone Season 5, Episode 4: Beth Discovers Jamie's Secret Son.

Does Beth ever forgive Jamie? ›

Because Jamie took her bodily autonomy from her, Beth has never been able to forgive him.

How was Beth responsible for her mother's death? ›

A flashback to 1997 shows Evelyn went riding with two of her children, Beth and Kayce. During a moment of Beth's hesitation, Evelyn fell from her horse. Her horse fell onto her and crushed her. Though she did not succumb immediately, Evelyn died within a few hours.

Why does Beth drink so much? ›

Beth finds herself waking up with constant hangovers and begins alienating herself from friends. Like many suffering from addiction, Beth used drugs and alcohol to escape the pain of losing a loved one – in her case, the death of her biological mother.

Who did Beth sleep with to make Rip jealous? ›

He waits up for her in hopes of making amends, but after fellow Dutton ranch worker Rowdy (Kai Caster) drives her home, Beth purposefully hooks up with him to make Rip jealous.

What is Beth Dutton's scar from? ›

Her assistant found a parcel addressed to Beth, before she could stop her assistant from opening the box, it exploded killing her assistant instantly and send Beth back in the blast which caused her multiple lacerations with permanent scarring and burns all over her back.

Why did Jamie want Beth to be sterile? ›

When Beth was a teenager, she got pregnant. She sought help from Jamie, who assisted her efforts to get an abortion. But, in order to keep the pregnancy from leaking to the press and embarrassing the family, Jamie took Beth to a free clinic on a Reservation, where sterilization was mandatory with abortions.

What did Jamie do that was so bad? ›

Back in Yellowstone season 3 it was revealed via flashback that Jamie helped Beth go to the reservation to have a secret abortion after she fell pregnant as a teenager.

Why did Jamie get adopted in Yellowstone? ›

Infuriated, Garrett murdered his wife in order to save his child from the life he was living. He spent more than 3 decades in prison for the murder and Jamie was adopted by John and Evelyn Dutton.

What was the third option Beth gave Jamie? ›

She gives Jamie three options: Spend life in prison, be tortured and killed by Rip, or eliminate Garret himself. Jamie picks door number three, sending his father off with an "I love you" and a bullet to the brain. While disposing of the body, he's surprised by Beth, who's recording him in the act.


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